Real-time capabilities in Oliasoft WellDesign™

With Oliasoft WellDesign there’s no need to rely on engineering calculations made at the planning phase: our flexible application allows you to make decisions when operations are underway.

Oliasoft WellDesign supports a range of real-time use cases, including:

  • Real-time trajectories
  • Real-time anti-collision
  • Real-time casing design (safety factors, kick tolerances)
  • Real-time blowout & kill simulations
  • Real-time torque & drag, hydraulics, surge & swab

When a well is set up in Oliasoft WellDesign, an ‘as drilled’ version can be automatically created, allowing the well’s engineering components to be calculated in real-time. Use cases for WellDesign’s real-time capabilities include:

  • Real-time trajectory calculations
  • Distance of actual from planned trajectories
  • Functionality for getting back on plan (project to target)
  • Real-time anti-collision (separation factors)
  • Real-time updated casing/tubing design calculations (safety factors)
  • Real-time updated blowout & kill results

Oliasoft WellDesign can update designs and monitor critical design parameters in response to a real-time data streams from operations. By connecting their drilling suite to Oliasoft WellDesign’s APIs, Nabors Industries can perform real-time anti-collision and error modelling, generating continually updated statistical safety factors that minimize the possibility of collisions with adjacent well-bores.
